Your next pet could be a bright rabbit

Humans have been For thousands of years, they have been selectively nurtured by cats and dogs to make more desirable pets. A new launch called the Los Angeles Project aims to accelerate this process with genetic engineering to build brilliant rabbits, cats and dogs, and possibly a day, real unicorns.

The Los Angeles project is the brain of the Biohacher Josie Zayner, which in 2017 injects and revived it during a conference in San Francisco with the CRISPR gene editing tool. “I want to help man to modify their genetically,” he said. He has also granted the Diy Coveid’s stool and vaccine transplant and is the founder and CEO of Odin, a company that sells genetic engineering kits.

Now, Zeler wants to create the next generation of pets. “I think, as a human species, this kind of moral right to align animals,” he says.

Zayner says, in collaboration with Biotechnology Entrepreneur, Katie Kievat, a former Tille colleague, the Los Angeles project is everything about making animals that are “more sophisticated and interesting and beautiful and unique” than the current things. The name of the company based in Austin is a node for another controversial effort-the Manhattan Project, which developed the first atomic bomb during World War II.

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Katie Kievat (left) and Jozi Zainar.

Photo: Los Angeles Project

For the past year, the Los Angeles project has been in secret, while its five -person team has been testing the fetus from frogs, fish, hamsters and rabbits. They have used CRISPR to remove genes and insert new ones – the latter is technically more difficult to achieve. They are also testing a less -known technique known as limited enzyme integration or RMI to integrate the new DNA into the fetus. Creating these changes at the fetal surface changes the genetic arrangement of the resulting animal.

The team uses CRISPR to add a gene to rabbit fetus, so they produce green fluorescent protein or GFP. Zeinner says they intend to transfer the engineered fetus to female rabbits. If everything goes well, the company will have brilliant baby kids within a month. (Rabbits only 31 to 33 days have a pregnancy period.)

They will not be the first brilliant animals ever created. GFP is commonly used by scientists to study diseases or cellular processes in an organism, often used to study diseases. Researchers have already made rodents of fluorescent, monkey, dog, cat and rabbits, but none of these animals have been created for commercial purposes. But the Los Angeles project is designing the name of the brilliant bunny and other animals to sell to consumers. “I think the pet’s space is very high and completely worthless,” says Zeler.

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