Along with the Civil Service Commission, other federal agencies, including the National Archives, the Office of Civil Defense (Federal Emergency Management Agency) and the Social Security Office began to store records at Boyers at the same time. JG Franz, then manager of the Boyers Mine Office, told the newspaper reporter that federal agencies have “backup equipment for everything” stored in a special area of Borraz to protect the records in the event of a nuclear.
Franz told a local newspaper that the workers “I hope we will never worry about a nuclear explosion”, but if one happens, the mine will safely disappear. “This mine is equipped with 30 days of food preparation and resources for all employees.”
At that time, Boyers employees are reportedly able to process about 600 pounds every day from Washington DC to facilities. They have been built recently for timely delivery to the international highway system. In fact, the federal government, based on an article in Pittsburgh’s press, has built the Pennsylvania 80 internationally for “rapid access to the mine in the event of an emergency.”
There are other practical benefits that make old mines a convenient place for saving records. For example, their usually rural and isolated settings create a layer of natural security from other types of threats. Mines re -provide “excellent protection against fire” and immunity from events such as “floods, theft, civil disorder, aircraft accidents, tornadoes, thunderstorms.”
Carmachel tells Wired that access to the underground facilities he or she has visited has a strong control, often through highly protected inputs. These facilities also often have maze -like designs that, if somehow inside, will probably discourage or confuse thieves.
Several current managers of limestone mines again told Wired that their caves naturally between 55 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit, the optimal temperature for most storage conditions. John Smith, manager of industrial real estate, for a company that manages the industrial park without a limestone storage center near Kansas City, said that this means that tool costs compared to underground facilities ” Significantly down “. His main costs are accompanied by ventilation because the caves are very humid.
Everything is wrong.
Shortly before the Civil Service Commission entered Boyers, the US federal pension apparatus was a turbulence. A government report in 1951 showed that “a sufficient recording system” has not even existed and called on Congress to “insist”. Initially, it seemed that the team in Boyers was able to rotate things. News-Harard reported in 1966 that with only 55 employees, the mine system “with the same efficacy and effectiveness it was in Washington, DC.
However, since the number of retirees continues to climb, everything was in turmoil. In the early 1980s, the staff management office was audited to find the main causes of excessive delays in the processing of retirement claims. In 1981, the Government Response Office recommended that OPM “prepare a long -term plan to automate the retirement claim process.”