To retain Gen Z, companies must raise the bar

In 2024, there will be a paradigm shift in employee-employer power and trust dynamics. It’s part of a generational redesign of work that feels like a game Tetris To become a game of roblox.

Growing up, I spent countless hours playing games Tetris In my Nintendo game boy. There was something mesmerizing about splitting the one-sided blocks that fell from above. The game design was clean, precise and simple. This gave the player a sense of order and control. I showed my 12-year-old son Tetris and asked if he wanted to play? “Why me?” “You can never beat the system,” he quickly replied. And in this sense he is right.

Organizations used to be very game-like in design Tetris– Top-down, hierarchical, with clear rules. Work defined hours, physical locations, and roles. The important thing is that these boundaries are mostly set by the employer, not the employee.

While I am part of the generation Tetris (or Gen X), my son is very much a member of the generation roblox (General Z). In his world, just like the game robloxthere are endless possibilities of realms and roles you can play. You can invent your dream job, build bridges or spaceships, tend a farm or live in a mansion on a dock. at its heart, roblox It’s about self-writing. But the feeling of control comes from being the creator, not organizing the blocks. he likes roblox Because as he said, “This is my world and my rules.”

world of Tetris and the world of roblox In many ways, they are a powerful metaphor for the profound shift in power and trust that takes place in the world of work. Gen Z (and Y and Alpha, who will enter the workforce later this decade) have little interest in a game-like way of working. Tetris. Rules, rewards and reporting structures mean nothing to them. Considering that by 2025, 27% of the workforce in OECD countries will be Gen Z, this is an urgent problem that needs to be addressed. By 2030, roblox Generation will be the majority, with over 58% of the workforce coming from Generation Z and Millennials.

According to the World Economic Forum, almost two-thirds of Gen Z prefer to work for themselves or a startup. 80% of Gen Z workers worldwide are looking for a job that aligns more with their values. About half report that they would quit if their job interfered with their work-life balance. The proposed solution to these changing work dynamics is often flexibility. Yes, younger generations want or expect more flexibility, but the focus on where and when people work misses a deeper paradigm shift – the way people relate to organizations.

In many ways, the design of Tetris It reflects the “power over” mindset of leadership: “If I tell others what to do, they will follow.” You cannot invent rules and boundaries. They are inherent in a linear, top-down system. robloxOn the other hand, it shows a “power with” dynamic. There are no corporate ladders to climb or hierarchies to navigate—unless you invent them. Interaction comes from collaborative, independent, personal, and peer-centered game design.

According to a recent Gartner report, employee engagement has 3.8 times more impact on employee stress than the workplace. in other words, how People experience their daily work – their sense of involvement and passion – in reducing stress more than where They do their job. Game designers understand this, but most organizations do not. In 2024, leaders will have no choice but to accept that you can no longer play Tetris in one roblox the world

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