Scientists create conditions that have caused a complex life

Original version From This story Appeared in Quanta Magazine.

Far from individual operators, most single -celled germs are complex in complex relationships. In the ocean, your soil and intestine may fight each other and eat each other, exchange DNA, compete for nutrients, or feed on each other’s by -products. Sometimes they get even more intimate: one can kill one cell inside and make it comfortable. If the situation is true, it may stay and welcome, it creates a relationship that can take for generations or billions of years. This phenomenon of a cell living in another, called endocytes, has strengthened the evolution of complex life.

There are examples of endocytes everywhere. Mitochondria, the energy factories in your cells were once the bacteria of life. Photosynthetic plants owe their sugars to chloroplasts, which was originally an independent organism. Many insects receive essential nutrients from the bacteria living inside them. And last year the researchers discovered nitroplast, an endosymbiont that helps some algae to nitrogen.

So many of the lives rely on endosybiotic relationships, but scientists have tried to understand how it happens. How does an inner cell escapes digestion? How to reproduce in your host? What makes a random integration of two independent organisms in a sustainable and sustainable collaboration?

Now, for the first time, the researchers have watched the dance of the microscopic dance in the lab in the lab. The researchers succeeded in collaborating without killing the bacteria or hosting after the bacteria were injecting into a fungus that needed to solve the creative problem (and bicycle pump). Their observations show a brief look at situations that cause the same thing to happen in the microbial wild.

Cells are adjusted even faster than predicted. “In my opinion, this means that organisms want to live together and coexistence is an ordinary,” said Vasilis Cocoa, a mystery that studies cellular biology at VU University in Amsterdam. “So this is a big news for me and this world.”

The initial efforts that were shortened show that most of the cell love affairs are unsuccessful. But by understanding how, why and when organisms accept endosymbions, researchers can understand key moments in evolution, as well as potentially create artificial cells created with superpowers endosimbion.

Achieve the success of the cell wall

Microbiologist Julia Worlett at the Swiss Federal Technology Institute of Zurich in Switzerland has long been surprised by the conditions of endosimboosis. Researchers in this field have the theory that when a bacterium enters the host cell, there is the relationship between infection and harmony. If the bacterium is produced very quickly, it will lead to the risk of host resources and a safety response, resulting in the death of the guest, the host or both. If it is reproduced too slowly, it will not create itself in the cell. In their view, only in rare cases, the bacterium reaches the amount of goldilocks. Then, in order to become a real endosymbiont, it must penetrate its host reproductive cycle to ride on the next generation. Finally, the host genome must eventually make a mutation to accommodate the bacterium – it evolves the two.

“They get addicted to each other,” Vorvat said.

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