Cooperation with local health officials not only helps prevent the next epidemic, but also ensures that these viral samples are kept safe. “So accidentally do not go out of these public health centers or steal by a terrorist.”
According to them, DTRA staff operate as a “initial warning system”, a congressional employee tells Wired before any US army deployment. Although this may not be a traditional type of military power, it must still be a priority for this government. “This border guarantees us from the pathogens.”
An independent analysis made for the Pentagon in 2022 showed that these threat reduction programs “have a good position to respond quickly to emerging [weapons of mass destruction] Threats are unique and fill the existing gap. “
Gigi Grunwal, a professor at the Johns Hopkins Health Security Center, says programs such as DTRA should be expanded, not cut off. It is the national security programs designed to “listen to ourselves to destroy those fires, or to prevent them from happening in the first place.”
If this is a new infectious disease or a chemical weapon program in a rogue state, do not extinguish the fire. “We have areas of the world that do not have firefighters,” he says. “By helping them help themselves, we help them to step up.”
“Selling Fire in Specialty”
The Pentagon’s threat reduction efforts, and the DTRA itself, are due to the work of former US senators, Sam Nun, Democrat and Richard Logar, Republican, to supply weapons of mass destruction after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Through its work, the United States destroyed thousands of ballistic missiles and nuclear warheads, repelled tens of thousands of pounds of chemical weapons, and destroyed Soviet biopon laboratories. In 1998, DTRA was formally created and helps other countries do more expensive guidelines for tracking and eliminating chemical and biological threats.
DTRA has been targeted by Russian intelligence efforts for its job, accusing Moscow of the production of biological weapons in these DTRA budget laboratories. Following Russia’s full attack on Ukraine in 2022, conspiracy theorists in the United States chose the issue, indicating that the attack was covered to eliminate these Bioweapons laboratories.
Fear about the work of DTRA has been raised by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Minister of Health and Human Services, the National Intelligence Director of Tulsi Gabbard and Russia itself. Republican Senator Rand Paul has repeatedly issued DTRA summoners following evidence that he was involved in dangerous viral investigations, indicating that it may be involved in the creation of COVID-19.
“When Russia was attacking that program, it did it because it wanted to destroy our national security,” says Gronaval. “Russia may not believe these lies, but” they have been very successful in gaining people’s power to believe in these things, “he said.