Nokia put a 4G cell network on the moon but failed to make phone calls

The 4G tip was shorter than the lasting, but even if the mission is successful, the NIB will still be short -lived. Dow says that it means surviving a hard lunar night, which begins about 9 days (one lunar day and one lunar night is about 14 days of land). In fact, the entire IM-2 mission was completed at this time, as the solar cells do not have the energy equipment needed to supply the devices. For the Artemis III mission, the network and modules in the space space are made to survive the high temperature of the moon, which can be heated at 250 degrees Fahrenheit or cold -208 degrees.

Over time, the goal is to create permanent base stations. “When you have a strong connection, you see how you can have a fundamental infrastructure to support all the views that people talk about,” Dow says. “Dow says,” In the end, it reaches where you no longer need to bring the network with you, you just have to create the device because there is a network, “Dow says.

The 4G LTE communications, which will be merged in the future, will be able to communicate from astronauts to Landar and Astronaut to Landar to astronauts. There will be no smartphone for astronauts to hold your head. “This will be a bit like driving in his car,” says Russell Russell Raleson, an executive vice president of overseas activities. The microphones in this suit are activated and the network will be able to run several HD video currents in real -time, so the telemetry and internal sensors data will not be used.

So why not 5G? The current generation mobile network is making significant progress over its predecessor. Dow says development for space takes a long time and Nokia wanted to start with a heavily tested technology. At that time, the 5G was still in its adoption phase, and these extras were not required for testing. “We are working completely on the evolution of 5G,” he says. If you don’t know if Nokia will be Alone Dow network provider per month says a multi -seller environment will be largely flexible because Nokia uses a standardized technology.

Michael Lopez-Algeria, a senior astronaut in Axiom, spent at the International Space Station from 2006 to 2007 and also conducted Axiom-1 command in 2022-the first commercial astronaut’s mission in ISS. In Apollo missions, he says astronauts were extremely trained in the field of geology, and while Artemis III is being trained, they change home with the ability to send high quality film from month to more qualified people.

“Now they can show a geologist on the ground [the things they’re seeing] Instead of learning them, learn whatever a doctor knows. “They can use it as a tool, a little like today we do in ISS. I think it’s a leap, and 50 years later, right? So it should be.”

The IM-2 was the only planned Nokia 4G network test per month. It was only somewhat successful, but if another experiment was done now, Nokia would not share the IM-2 ended suddenly. Dow says the company will continue on earth tests before Artemis III.

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