In the past Year, Carla Raisi and her team have visited the US -Mexico border twice in Anim Interactive to interview immigrants and humanitarians. Once a month, the president interviews remote immigrants through video calls. He has spoken to dozens of people. They also come from Latin America, but also South Asia, the Middle East and Africa, each having a common goal: to search for security to the United States.
In January, hours after President Donald Trump’s inauguration, thousands of immigrants suddenly realized that their appointment with customs and protecting the US borders – the agency that helped them seek asylum. The government turned off the CBP One program, allowing immigrants to apply for asylum. This was the first of many of the barriers to the road that the new government was building against those seeking to immigrate to the United States.
“In a moment of attention, the process of their lives has changed again,” Raisi says. “These are the people who have been waiting for years.”
For Raisi, it only reinforced the urgency of his current project: a compact game called Take us to the north. About the immigrants who travel to the border. “Even if the game has not yet been released, we are seriously thinking about how to continue information, deal with insignificant information and share resources with our community,” he says.
One of the biggest misconceptions about immigrants, one of them hopes to help reform – this is why they leave their homes for the United States. “The general public often receives the narrative that more immigrants are trying to come to the United States for economic opportunity,” he says. The fact is that most of the immigrants I interviewed do not want to leave their homes. Most of them are running away from harassment and violence. They leave whatever they like, but they have no other choice. “
Anima intends to publish Take us to the north. By the end of 2026 or early 2027, at this stage, the conditions that immigrants face can be even more clear than the things they are now facing.
In late February, the Homeland Security Department claimed that “more than 20,000 illegal aliens were arrested in a month under President Trump.” Certainly, with the government’s efforts to increase exile, more arrests are being made. According to a recent Washington Post report, more than 1 million immigrants confessed that they confessed to the United States during the Joe Biden presidency, and could face quick elimination. Immigrants arrested in the United States, apart from fair dismissal, including imprisonment at the Guantanamo Migrant Operations Center in the Gulf of Guantanamo, Cuba, are increasingly faced with dangerous conditions. The asylum seeker is never easy, but in 2025 this is a growing scary vision.
Take us to the north.Reas says: “A narrator-based and adventure game about immigrants traveling through the Sonuran desert-eagerness to enhance empathy and also” to be reduced to the core media, or that they do not want to leave their homes. “These are innocent and honest people who have recently been in a bad situation,” he says.