Microsoft has been hosting explicit films from this startup founder for many years. Here it is how he left them

Last August, Point de Contact told Wired that only two images remain in four different Microsoft servers. “We are deeply regretted that this issue was approximately 10 months of connection between the victim, Microsoft and we as a non -governmental organization for resolution,” said the NGO at the time.

Gregoire, Microsoft’s digital safety chief, says Liu’s situation has made the team strive to improve reporting processes and relationships with victims. According to Gregoire, Point de Contact initially banned flagship links that the company did not control. He refused to explain these conditions. Durrani says this explanation has never been communicated to him, and it is not yet clear why the links were not “practical”.

Only after Paul Thomas put Thomas on the Liu case, Microsoft obtained the URLs that could have acted on. “We are very honest about the spontaneous communication in Trustcon,” says Gregoire. He says, but it shouldn’t be necessary again: he says Point de Contact has a more direct way to communicate.

Other victims’ assistance groups say their relationships with technical giants are challenging. Last year, a wired research showed that Google executives rejected countless ideas that were put forward by overseas employees and fans, which aimed to tackle leading access to problematic images in search results. Some survivors found that the fastest way to eliminate content is to form the right to print, the tactic working in the online safety industry is inadequate.

According to Pykering, the head of technology, abuse in the shelter, the largest internal abuse organization in the UK, the lack of compatibility in the policies and processes between technical companies contributes to the delay in securing alcohol. “They all just answer that they choose – and the answer is usually extremely weak,” he says. (Google introduced new policies in July 2024 to accelerate deletion.)

Pickering claims that Microsoft is especially difficult. “I have recently been told that if I want to get involved with them, we must provide evidence that we use and upgrade their platform,” he says.

Gregoire Microsoft says he will look at these concerns and is open to the conversation. The company hopes to intimidate the need for citizens by scaring the perpetrators. Last December, Microsoft complained of a group of 10 unknown people who are allegedly to bypass azure protection and use an AI tool to produce offensive images, including some wolves described as sexually harmful Is. “We do not want our services to be harassed,” he says.

For Liu, the challenges have not ended. Based on the links reviewed by Wired, videos and images that depict him naked are available at least on a “free porn” website. He has also been forced to save his savings for the development of ACTO AI because the investor’s support was unstable. Some investors are said to have told him not to use his own experience on his land. Liu says that when she created a male female couple in investing, they laugh with the idea of ​​creating jobs around artificial intelligence to identify online image abuse. Liu says, even in response to the fact that he was almost killed after being sacrificed, he helped to change them.

In December 2024, more than four and a half years after the start of his nightmare, Liu found the brilliance of hope. The proposal he has defended at the US Congress to need websites to eliminate unwanted explicit images within 48 hours and ended almost on the table of Joe Biden. It was eventually shelled, but the real progress had never felt close. Liu and a two -party group of more than 20 lawmakers have not surrendered. In January, they re -nominated the proposal, which threatens possible penalties of up to $ 50,000 per violation. The bill passed the bill despite protest by worriedly censored law groups. Even Microsoft is behind it.

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