To cover the lingo, open it and place the carton in the dispenser. Click the dispenser on the arm, which sends the string under your skin, stinging only faintly. It seems to move with a finger. there is the way Less painful than pricking your finger with one needle until you bleeding, Several times a day, and I was an idiot and should have done it earlier.
The sensor itself is fine, I don’t feel it most of the time, unless I forcefully change my clothes and drop it, in which case I have to be careful. You can choose where to place the sensor. Most people choose their non-dominant arm. It’s water resistant, so you can swim and shower with it and not need to charge it.
Once I turned on the sensor, I opened the Lingo app, registered, and waved my phone next to it. Done! I was ready to start monitoring.
sugar rush
If you’ve never monitored your blood sugar consistently, you’re probably in for a few surprises. Eating in a way that makes sense for a glucose monitor doesn’t always mean eating healthier. For example, a typical lunch for me is a bowl of homemade pureed carrot soup and whole wheat bread. Since carrots and bread are carbs, it spikes my blood sugar to an alarming level. However, a super-processed protein peanut butter bar barely moves my blood sugar, even if you’re healthy, one isn’t necessarily better than the other.
If you cut back on the number of carbs you eat, you’ll go into ketosis, which is when your body starts burning body fat instead of available blood glucose for energy because you don’t have any. It’s different and less dangerous than having ketosis as a complication of diabetes, but I still hate it.
I put the lingo to use during CES, where I made an alarming discovery—I was walking around and experiencing overnight hypoglycemia as much as I was eating. I thought my sleep disturbances were just due to work, stress and being away from my family, but nope, I was totally going downhill.