Lawa says the array has been tested in a rat, which has been released for dogs later. In a movie exclusively viewed by Wired, a Canal scientist uses a wand to get the air sample of four different Petri containers, each containing odor. The wand beeps and sends the odor molecules to the sheath through a tube that has a mice equipped with a nose -computer. A few seconds after the smell of the smell, the fragrance information is sent to the phone at the top of the sheath. A cell phone program shows the name of the animal odor composition, as well as a quality score that considers the accuracy and concentration of molecules.
Currently, the Canaery mouse prototype can detect the smoked armor and powder accelerators used in ammunition, as well as methamphetamine, cocaine and fentanyl.
They work together in mammals, nose and brain to detect odors. When the odor molecules enter the nostril, they are attached to the olfactory receptors. Human beings have about 450 smells, while dogs are twice as much. Each odor stimulates different compounds of the receptor and produces a unique electrical signal. This signal is sent to the olfactory lamp for processing. Lavella likens the surface of the olfactory lamp to a chessboard. When the smell enters, the squares are illuminated in a special pattern on the trench board.
Canaery uses AI software to detect those patterns and their relationship with odor. Scientists expose the animal to the smell to teach artificial intelligence models after planting array. Lawa says the software can be educated in about three sessions. At these sessions, scientists offer more than two dozen samples of the same odor to the animal. Later, the animal is again exposed to smell to confirm artificial intelligence models.
The current array planted in the mice has 128 electrodes that record neural signals from the olfactory lamp. Researchers at the Lawrence Lormor National Laboratory are working on a new array with 767 electrodes for more information. “This next -generation device allows us to perform more in the field against complex background odors and air -to -air vapors,” says Lola.
The smell decoding is by no means a new effort. Researchers have been working on “electronic nose” technology for the past 40 years. These devices use chemical sensors to convert odor molecules to electrical signals, which are then analyzed by a pattern detection system to identify the odor source. But these devices have historically been able to recognize only a wide range of odors.
“Animals can do things that we cannot do, so this is a clever way to solve this problem,” says . ”