What guides Tesla’s problems? | Wired

However, there has been a feeling that at least some autumn could be due to the anger of Elvan Moscow’s political activity, Tesla’s CEO and the decisions made by the so -called government of government efficiency. Since mid -February, Tesla’s exhibitions in 100 cities across the United States have attracted protesters, eager to allow passers -by to know their feelings about musk with chainsaws.

These protests are completely well-independent of the sidewalks of Mariachi groups, puppets and large cardboard cyberattacks to decorate-by a website called Teslatakenown, and they have attracted a lot of media coverage.

Alex Winter, a documentary manufacturer based in Los Angeles-and Title Bill of Time Travel Comedy 1988 Excellent adventure of Bill and Ted– The creator of the website. He tells the Wired that the Teslatakenown movement wants to overthrow the mask: “We aim to make the brand worthless. This is a very simple and effective tool for people to enter the street and protest.” Winter says, media coverage reinforces the message of the movement. “We want to validate and reality information about musk, dog and why Tesla.”

“The Musca is in the Tesla brand,” says Winter. “We just help him.”

Teslatakedown began last month and began with February 10 to Bluesky by Joan Donovan, an assistant to journalism and emerging media studies at the University of Boston. “Get out and take part in an international selection #Teslatakeover locally,” he wrote.

“I asked myself what I did to raise awareness of the physically [about Musk]? Well, I would like to go out on Saturdays and protest against Tesla’s representation. “I made a brochure and started circulating online,” he said. Alex saw my post, and we start sending SMS about what to do. Everything was gathered very quickly. “

There were 50 people in the first demonstration in Boston on February 15. By the third week, it has increased to 300 people. “I met with teachers, people who work in public health, people who retired, students at universities – all Americans who want to disappear.” “This is not only a Tesla’s strategic boycott, but it is also a multi -faceted protest in which many discontents are spread.”

Elon Mosak and Tesla did not respond to comment requests.

Erica Chenut, a political scientist at Harvard University, has studied more than 300 modern uprisings worldwide, and found that when only 3.5 percent of the population joins a movement, this change is usually inevitable.

Chenowth tells the Wired: “There are normally more people who sympathize with movements than people who are actively participating.”

So may Teslatakenown work quickly? “Instead of thinking how long it takes,” he says, “I usually seek to have a move and move with any next action.

“In the social sciences, these movements talk about defects about defects.

The loss of loyalty

These columns may now show symptoms of instability. Across Reddit, Tiktok, Facebook and even X, posts have begun to collect people who say they are laughing at Tesla. The singer of Farril Crow was one of the most evident, who released an Instagram movie on Valentine’s Day and wished to observe himself in a flat truck.

“It comes when you have to decide with whom you want to align,” he said.

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