Since agencies sometimes receive bulk or special discounts, buying software permits on behalf of their private contractors can also be more cost -effective. “This is a very clear way of managing agencies,” says former thoughts. “
Each government agency has its own unique structure, including many subsidiaries or units, each with its own software needs. This can help explain other alleged licenses this week, including the GSA “3 different ticket systems that are in parallel” and have various tools for implementing unknown training.
In a separate post this week, Dow, despite only about 15,000 employees, was called for more than 20,000 users on charges of licensing five cyber security programs. The post also cited the section, which has 380 Microsoft 365 software licenses with zero users, installing only 30 of the 128 Microsoft team conference rooms that had been licensed, using only 22 of 129 Photoshop licenses. The post also referred to unused licenses for “Vscode”, a company name for a completely free Microsoft tool for writing code. The company sells an alternative paid called Visual Studio.
Microsoft refused to comment. Adobe, which develops Photoshop, did not respond to the comment request.
While DOGE may not be able to provide a complete picture of waste costs, it is true that the federal government has sometimes tried to effectively manage its use of software licenses. Many guard groups within the government have found cases of waste costs for software in the past.
Congress members have been trying to obtain agencies for years to address the matter, the former federal official says. Strengthening the Agency and Supervising the Software Asset Act, or the Samosa Law, which was adopted last year with two -way support but was stopped in the Senate, requires agencies to do things now DOGE: Evaluation of existing software contracts, do the integration permits if possible and reduce costs. According to the former official, the law aims to give the agencies more bargaining for a few large technology companies that dominate the government software contracting.
“If Elvan [Musk] They wanted to do this in the right way, they cooperated with Congress to pass the Samsa law. “” So people who can enter more intelligent and cheaper contracts, even where the dog leaves can be brighter and cheaper. They must adjust a repetitive process whereby agencies constantly evaluate their software needs and perform better for lower costs. “
Triplette, from the coalition to issue a fair software license, validated the DOGE to review the licensing issues. “I know there is a lot of concern about what DOGE is doing, but this is one of the areas where hope and possibility exists,” he says.
Other federal contracting experts and Congress offices have told Wiried that DOGE should not lose bigger targets while acting for savings. There were 11 federal contracting programs for information technology, each with more than $ 1 billion in government spending during the last fiscal year, which was launched from October 2023 to September 2024, according to an analysis of Wired by Deltek, which Gowwin IQ Tool is preparing. Contracts are often divided into smaller components, and among these orders, more than $ 1 billion has been spent on six individual orders over the past few years. They are led by the Pentagon by agreement with the Ministry of Sacrifice and the Boosan Alan Hamilton agreement.