Microsoft’s new Majorana 1 processor can change quantum calculations

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Microsoft researchers have announced the creation of the first “topological frames” in a device that stores information in a strange material, in what may be a significant improvement for quantum computing.

At the same time, the researchers also published an article in nature and the “roadmap” for more work. The Majorana 1 processor design is supposed to be proportional to one million QUBits, which may be sufficient to meet many of the significant goals of quantum computing – such as leaving encryption codes and faster design of new drugs and materials.

If Microsoft’s claims disappear, the company may have jumping competitors like IBM and Google, which now seems to be leading the race to build a quantum computer.

However, the article on the nature studied of peers only shows a part of what the researchers have claimed, and the roadmap still contains many obstacles that need to be resolved. While Microsoft’s press statement shows what is supposed to be quantum computing hardware, we have no independent confirmation of what he can do. However, Microsoft’s news is very promising.

You probably have a few questions right now. What is Topological Quit? What is the matter for this? And why do people want quantum computers first?

Making a hard quantum bits is hard

Quantum computers first experienced their dream in the 1980s. Where a regular computer stores information in bits, a quantum computer stores information in quantum bits or Qubits.

A typical bit can have a value of 0 or 1, but a quantum bit (thanks to the rules of quantum mechanics, which is very small particles) can be a combination of both. If you imagine a regular bit as a flash that can point to the top or bottom, a quit is a flash that can point to any direction (or what is “super” from the top and bottom).

This means that a quantum computer is much faster for certain types of computing than a regular computer – especially some of them associated with non -pressure codes and simulation of natural systems.

So much so so. But it turns out that it is very difficult to create real tabs and get information inside and outside them, as interacting with the outside world can destroy delicate quantum modes inside.

Researchers have tried various technologies to build Qubits using things like atoms trapped in electric fields or current rotation edges in superconducting superconductors.

Small wires and strange particles

Microsoft has taken a very different approach to making its “topological frames”. They used what is called Majorana particles, which was first theorized by Italian physicist Ettore Majorana in 1937.

Majoranas does not naturally exist particles such as electron or proton. Instead, they only have a rare type of material called topological superci (which requires advanced material design and should cool to very low temperatures).

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