Photopea is a free Photoshop replacement that runs in the browser

Sometimes you need To quickly edit a photo but you don’t want to work to pay Photoshop or install the unfamiliar desktop image editor. Photopea is a free and supported application that runs completely in the web browser. It offers many features similar to Marquee photo editing programs but does not require uploading anything or paying expensive user permits.

Photoshop does not need to be introduced between photographers and other creative specialists. And there is a great free alternative to Photoshop right now: GIMP, an open source photo editor that is very powerful. Why did it work with Fetopia in the world where that program exists?

Well, for one thing, Photopea runs inside a browser tab, which means you can use it on devices that you prefer not to install the software. For example: If you help a family member in organizing your photos and you should quickly edit a couple from them, opening a website is easier than it is a complete tool that they You will never use it, install. The same thing is working: You may want to install the software on a business device, or you are not allowed, especially if editing photos is not typically part of your job. Chromebooks is another example. Photopea is suitable for all of them.

Adding files to Photopea

To start using the app, just go to – that is simple. You do not need to create an account to use it. Just drag any photo you want to edit from your browser and drop it into the browser window. Each image format, including raw records, is supported. You can also upload PDF files, although the results were mixed when I tested them.

The Photopea interface in the browser shows where you can draw and release new photos to work on it.

To get started, drag and drop your video files on the workspace.

With goodwill from Justin Vase

Photopea also supports native Adobe native file templates including .SD (Photoshop), .Ai (Illustrator) and .xd (XD) files along with Fig (Figma) files. This means you can edit the files created in those programs. There is even support for entering the .atn files, which are the automation that you can create in Photoshop to adjust the different image parameters with one click.

Photopea supports each image as a PSD file and preserves the file layers, meaning that in theory you can use it to work with someone working in Photoshop. It can also be issued to common image filters such as JPEG and PNG.

It is worth noting that Photopea runs completely on your device despite the web browser running. This means that you do not need to upload your photos to the Internet to use it. It also means you can separate from the Internet and continue editing – just close the tab or lose your job. If you prefer to save files online, the web app supports files in Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive.

Edit files in Photopea

Photopea, like Photoshop, will be a complete explanation in a single article – there are only many features for the list here. I recommend checking the documentation of Photopea, which is completely complete.

Simply put, most of you can do in Photoshop you can do it in Photopea. Tools are not always the same, they are awarded, but they are surprisingly approaching. And the Photopea interface is very close to Photoshop. I used Photoshop a lot of Photoshop while working in a weekly newspaper, and everything in Photopea is exactly where I expected it.

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