‘Dengue Boy’ is a strange and meat novel you now need

Evolution, popularity, epidemic – this Is the soup from which Dengie’s sonA new and strange new novel by Argentine writer Michelle Niva emerges. Dango’s son is a mosquito and human hybrid that may be a test, a genetic mutation or the result of some of the terrible crimes of the company. He may be all three at once. In any case, it is not important for monster creatures, which we live in 2272 in what it has put most of the world under water or unbearable after melting the Antarctic ice hat.

Hot enough to barbecue turkey in 20 minutes flat at room temperature in California. Meanwhile, Argentina’s Caribbean, the relatively average mummy of 140 degrees Fahrenheit (60 degrees Celsius) remains. Therefore, it is not surprising that developers are working in the Antarctica Caribbean, and engineering all the engineering biomes to re -make few cuts from the ground, oh, land. At a flat cost, customers can select five, 10 or 20 species packages to collect their biome extensively. Who cares about a Amazon rainy forest when you can build 30?

Humanity is more or less like a bug in the lower part of the stone. On the other hand, the top children are of the economic virus (later). These guys attach themselves to virtual headsets and immerse themselves in the fantasies of conquest like a game Christians – Indians 2. One of the characters thinks about keeping sheep: meat lights at an endless price to discover. Some of them have a full wardrobe full of things.

I point to sheep not to be illegal but because they get something about being weird Dengie’s sonHuman beings are all very fleshy. The heads are divided, the tentacles are drowning, and become the yard – this book is a rebellion of physical emotions. One may call this book “climatic stories”, in the world clearly in the spiral of the death of the climate, but it affects the strange and passionate novel, which in the All over the economy, sexuality, biology and temporary are really jumped without any. Breathe

Any novel that finds its main character in the insect’s body draws an inevitable comparison with TransformationThe human in -book human beings describe Dengie’s son As “wonderful portrait, Kafkasky of a vague future.” But in Kafka’s novel, Gregory Samsa wakes up to turn itself into a monster shape. His huge pain is due to his knowledge of what he was and his life loves to return to it.

Dengue Boy was always the son of Dengie. He has no change to face. This is the outside world that must know him. “Where her mother liked to see vague arms, her wings sprouted, their nervous ends like the veins of varicose veins of a disgusting old man, and where her mother likes to hear the adequate yellow, there was only a fixed constant The crazy buzzing is the most quiet of despair.

In TransformationGregory Samsa’s transformation is a one -way street. But the Dangue Boy will be rotating, such as evolution that works rapidly, until it is precisely clear that time or reality or story begins.

In Dengie’s son The billionaire class is not the technical brothers, but the so -called virus speculators, which require that the disease is eliminated and then perform possible killings. They are the only real winners in the disaster economy by developers who create resorts on the ground. It takes a certain type of person to see the view that disappears and see an opportunity for luxury condoms.

That all seems a little depressed, except for the visceral prose of Newva, the surreal – translated from Spanish by Rahul Bery – is nothing more. This is a book that attracts the strangely of the world and blows it into something that is terrible and impossible to look away. This reminded me of the last scene of the movie PearlIn which Mia Gat is encountered with a Rictus grin on which he moves with the camera until he is shaking, slowly while the end of the game’s credit, slowly in a deep despair Becomes apparent.

Dengie’s son It plays this trick. This is a make -up that turns into a grin. This is a camera that turns around many times that you are not sure that this is the director or an actor you look at, and you feel tired or just with a deceptive excitement?

It is weird that is crushed, rotating in a salad spinner and served with some indescribable controversy above. If you can make it stomach, it’s tasty.

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