Experts claim that early investors at Donald Trump’s MEMECOIN may disappear

According to Nansen, the encryption wallets that have invested most of the sums in Trump largely bought the coin on January 18, the day it began. At the same time, the wallets that had reached the highest return on Trump’s investments had been largely sold until January 20, which had already fallen from its peak. Trump coins are now worth $ 5.4 billion.

“The sooner you can bet, but if you have a lot of betting, it doesn’t mean to stay long because it won’t be [the next] Apple or Navidia, “Says Barter.” There’s a zero value. So it certainly goes down. “

Among the wallets that have made the most of Trump’s wallets, Nansen data shows, many of them pay for a relatively small amount, which means that some ordinary people succeeded in beating the same population. They are the way that the original traders are. Among the high -value trades by J9TXV and others in the minutes after Trump launch, traders were down $ 50.

Sibenik and Powers beyond an incredible stroke of wealth and gall, only another theory can explain traders who plowed hundreds of thousands of dollars in Trump: soon after it is unveiled: transactions by automated shooting robots They were placed.

Powers says Sniping robots are typically scheduled to kidnap several coins immediately after launching. Some of the wallets used to put Trump’s initial values ​​include dozens of other notes, but others, including the J9TXV, only have a few.

“What we don’t expect to see from a robot is to achieve a sign with only a large situation, especially if this sign had not been announced before,” he said. Code the robot to get a sign before you know there? “

Most sniper robots are also scheduled to counter the smaller dollar. “[The big early traders] Either being insight or having insights on the other hand is more explanations, especially given the large amounts of investing. “

In the absence of any laws governing the United States, it is not necessarily an illegal exporter to pay attention to the parties.

Recently, several federal petitions filed by investors have sought to argue that it may be under the laws of securities, which by the Securities and Stock Exchange Commission, a supervisory organization responsible for protecting US investors, Get. But in an interview on January 23, David Sax Capitalism, appointed by Trump as the United States AI and Crypto Czar, claimed that Memecoins should be treated as a collectible, an uncontrolled asset class.

In the executive order signed on January 23, Trump established a “Digital Asset Working Group”, which was tasked with recommending encryption rules and rules.

“The cryptocurrency industry is still in clear regulation. The main players want to be seen as goodwill players in the financial markets,” he said. [crypto] The industry of this memecoin looks like a moment. “

At the foot of the Trump website, a small printing liability claims that Memecoin “is not intended to be an investment opportunity, investment contract or security of any kind.” At the same time, the terms and conditions state that investors must ignore the right to file a class action petition regarding Memecoin. They also claim that investors have no right to pursue damages, even in the case of “deceptive and unfair business practices” and “misrepresentation” by Trump -affiliated company that runs the coin.

“It’s a stunning caution,” Powers says. “Whether these kinds of ignorance and discrimination are actually kept in court,” he said. , Change.

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